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Uptick expected in cases of MIS-C, COVID-19 related illness seen in children
Virginia child dies from MIS-C, a COVID-19-related condition that affects children
Doctors see uptick in cases of MIS-C among children
Doctors see rare uptick in MIS-C cases
Concerns over MIS-C uptick in children
Kids and COVID-19: More children hospitalized due coronavirus, MIS-C cases, possibility of vaccine r
Some States Seeing More Severe Cases Of MIS-C, Rare Illness Linked To COVID-19 In Children
Doctors talks COVID-19 vaccines for kids and MIS-C cases
COVID-19 spike among kids brings new worries for parents due to rare but deadly syndrome
Doctors battling MIS-C, a rare inflammatory syndrome mostly seen in children after catching COVI-19
Children remain vulnerable to MIS-C
Here's how COVID-19 and MIS-C can affect a child's brain